#EndoMarchWales 25 March 2017, was an uplifting, empowering day.
We turned Cardiff yellow, made plenty of noise, gave out many leaflets, raised loads of endometriosis awareness, and got incredible support and lots of interest from the public.
Thanks to all who organised, for all your hard work in making it possible, and thanks so much to everyone that came and marched with us – for making the day a great success!
Full report of the day in English and Cymraeg to follow soon, in the meantime FTWW needs your help.
Just to give you a taster of the day, here are two videos made by some of our supporters:
FTWW Needs Your Help!
It was with great pride we sponsored the 2017 Cardiff EndoMarch. All of our contributions – banners, balloons, and the essential Endo Information leaflets – were made possible by donations kindly made by our members and supporters.
We are a small third sector women’s health and equality organisation supporting hundreds of women in Wales, and have already successfully lobbied Welsh Government to change strategy for endometriosis patients here. We are now also working on improving care for girls and women with a range of other health conditions, both physical and mental. Our only funding, currently, is from supporters’ donations.
Please make a donation today – every penny is gratefully received and enables us to continue to provide resources and advice tailored to women’s health needs in Wales, both individually, and at the highest level.
As an extra incentive,the first £200 we raise through ‘Localgiving.org‘ will also be match funded by Welsh Government, so whatever you give us will be doubled!
It’s simple – just click here > http://giv.today/FTWWales
“>ENDOMARCH CARDIFF WALES 2017 by Slidely Slideshow