Endometriosis debated in the Senedd

On October 14th, FTWW was delighted to see endometriosis debated in the Senedd and to be approached to provide crucial data for those leading it. Jenny Rathbone MS, Chair of the Cross-Party Group for Women’s Health, proposed that the Senedd should:

  • Recognise the devastating impact of endometriosis for the 1 in 10 affected and beyond
  • Note the extended diagnostic delay and number of GP appointments required in Wales to get that diagnosis
  • Make menstrual wellbeing education mandatory for all pupils
  • Ensure that more endometriosis specialists are trained and accessible to patients across Wales

The Health Minister, Vaughan Gething, responded with a full and frank admission that services in Wales were not acceptable and committed to writing to all health boards to seek assurances that endometriosis care would be prioritised. He also noted that, ‘if this were a condition affecting men, we would not be in this position now’, a sentiment shared and appreciated by the many women watching the debate live on Senedd TV.

The motion was unanimously agreed, following impassioned speeches by Suzy Davies MS, amongst others, and a GP’s perspective from Dai Lloyd MS. We look forward to working with Welsh Government in making their commitments a reality. In particular, we watch with interest regarding developments concerning mandatory menstrual wellbeing education. This was agreed by the Health Minister in 2018 but, since then, FTWW and Endometriosis UK have lobbied the Education Minister in vain. We hope that the unanimous approval seen in the Senedd today will prove to be a key turning point.

To watch the debate in full below. A full transcription can be found here.