Menstrual Wellbeing Education – Education Bill Amendment

The 29th January saw the second stage of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill, with the Senedd’s Children, Young People & Education (CYPE) Committee voting for or against any Amendments brought to the table.

Alongside Endometriosis UK, FTWW had called upon members of the Committee to bring an Amendment which would make Menstrual Wellbeing Education mandatory. We were delighted to see Committee Member, Suzy Davies MS, passionately advocate that this should be the case. Unfortunately, despite the vote being equally split, with 3 for and 3 against, the Chair’s casting vote against saw the Amendment fall.

Nevertheless, despite this setback, we were pleased to see the Education Minister, Kirsty Williams MS, state her appreciation of the topic’s importance and her desire to see it feature within the curriculum. The conversation is not over yet, however. We will both continue our campaigning to see this topic taught across Wales, and hope to engage further with the Minister going forward.

Watch this space for further updates!