We Have 500 Members!

It is with great pleasure (tinged with a little sorrow) that we can announce that FTWW: Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales has reached a significant milestone in its relatively short (but highly productive!) existence – over 500 members of the organisation’s online support group! FTWW remains the ONLY Wales-based, patient-led, third sector organisation entirely focused upon girls’ / women’s health equality throughout the region. Despite having NO formal sources of funds, other than the kind donations of supporters, we’re proud to see this group continuing to grow: proud and a little sad that so many women require our…

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FTWW’s CEO Joins The Q Community

We’re excited to announce that our CEO, Debbie, has recently joined the Q community. Q is an initiative connecting people who have improvement expertise across the UK. People from all parts of the health and care system are coming together to connect, share and collaborate on improvement challenges for the benefit of patients. Debbie is joining 1,784 others skilled in improvement including those at the front line of health and social care, patient leaders, managers, commissioners, researchers, policymakers and others. Q members can help bring in ideas from across the UK to support local priorities. Q is being led by…

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